This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 55. View all gamesView submission


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Very nice! The puzzles were challenging, which is good. I also liked the way you used text in the levels to introduce new mechanics. tutorials are often overlooked. I love the retro style of the game. The window was a bit small tho. Maybe thats something to look into.

I received some complaints when it was at the larger size. The downloadable version on the LD website is twice the size, but I was not consider scaling when I made it and anything other than that would require code changes, which would be against the rules of the competition, but I know this is something I need to think more about in the future!

Cool game, good puzzle mechanics. Some interactions can feel a bit clunky, and the resolution is strangely tall, but overall things seem to function correctly. I appreciate the option to level select, my brain is too fried to figure out level 3 at the moment so maybe I'll come back to it.

Congrats on your submission :)

I re-uploaded with my half-sized version. Not sure why I thought the large resolution was a good idea. Thanks for the feedback

Am I doing something wrong? I'm stuck in the box at the start, right clicking is not working to call the imp.

It should call the nearest imp. You might be accidentally calling the imp in the cell above you, or there might be a focus issue with the web version.